Valuence Product Management System

Back-end Development, Front-end Development, UI/UX Design


Valuence Inc. is one of the biggest auction companies in Japan. Their subsidiary company – Valuence Technologies, providing IT Software solutions to all Valuence group members - entrusted SSKPI with the localization and the development of new functions for their existing Product Management System to better adapt to their international market.

Note: Due to NDA contract terms for this project. Real product images are not allowed to be used. Sample images are used instead.

  • Merchandise management
  • Customer contact management
  • Auction management
  • Purchase negotiation management
  • Technical Leader
  • Quality Assurance Leader
  • Front-end Engineer(s)
  • Back-end Engineer(s)
  • Quality Assurance(s)
  • Product UX/UI Designer(s)

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